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The MUN Conference
| 15/3/2016 | By Aseel Abu-Jabal |
From the 14th of February till the 16th, 14 students from the Galilee Secondary School went to Even Yehuda to the American International School and participated in the TIMEMUN conference
These students departed into different committees, and each committee discussed certain issues. Policy statements and clauses were presented in the committees. Also, there was voting on clauses, and those which passed were put together to make a final resolution. The students went with teacher Reem Fayed and the advisor Mahmoud Ali Saleh, who accompanied the students in their training along with the program coordinator, teacher Buthaina Bsharat- Mabjish
The students who participated in the conference were: Aseel Abu Jabal, Aseel Ali Saleh, Adan Abu Jabal, Adan Sulieman, Aya Magharbeh, Ghaydaa Biatra, Ibrahim Yousef, Jamal Abu Rabeea', Junah Istaiteh, Juman Naara, Raghad Khatib, Samir Khatib, Shahd Adawi, and Tamer Sulieman
In addition, these students are attending the GALMUN conference, which will take place in the Golden Crown Hotel in Nazareth from the 13th till the 14th of March
So many schools from all over the country and from abroad, have accompined the TIMEMUN conference adding new experiences to their lives, and having unforgettable moments and the best memories

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