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Music Workshop with Ami Yares
| 26/11/2013 | By Buthaina Bishara-Mabjish |
On Thursday, the 7th of November, the gifted classes took part in a music workshop with the artist Ami Yares. During the workshop, the students listened to music and songs played by Ami Yares and other artists on You Tube, discussed the songs and analyzed the lyrics with insight. They learnt about the role of music in reflecting the social and political background of a nation and in triggering social change. They also learnt how music empowers people to fight injustice in a non-violent way
Music Workshop
Music Workshop
Music Workshop
Music Workshop
Music Workshop
Music Workshop
Music Workshop
Music Workshop

قراءات: 1056 تعقيب أرسل لصديق طبــاعة
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